Will intuition lead to winning poker?
Many poker players who have not managed to collect a year's experience in card entertainment boldly declare: “Using software is nonsense. This kind of thing makes the game fake and removes the ability to play on a level playing field. You shouldn't waste time on learning, it is better to trust your intuition and luck. " This is a big misconception for newbies who think of poker as a game of luck. In this article, we will dispel this doubt.
A simple desire to play: the struggle of intuition with logic
Just trying to sit at the table and winning easily won't work. One desire to become is not enough and you need to include reason and intuition in the matter. Only the right decisions, analytics of rivals and the intuitive solution of difficult situations can lead to success.
When opponents have deep nets, no one will use their intuition. But despite this frustration, you can get a cool flop and a lot of chips in your pocket. But you need to turn to intuition and learn about the risks of trying.
Often, intuition kicks in when it comes to winning big. Possible risks, losses and defeat immediately pop up in my head. In the case of small bets, the situation is reversed. Intuition turns off and the game is led by logic, which is trying to get the desired bank for itself. Why is that?
It's simple, poker players at small stakes are confident in their abilities, because beginners can sit at the table. With big and big wins, fear of defeat prevails in the head. It is he who takes intuition away from your thoughts.
Downstream and the fight against it
Players who have activated their intuition, but have not learned to use it, fall into a downstream. This is a streak of bad play that can last for a long time. If a player regularly develops and tests strategies, then he can find something to do in the downstream. He immediately resolves the issue of lost money due to mistakes in strategy or intuition.
If the player plays on the feel and forgets about the need to regularly replenish the baggage of knowledge about card games, then it is extremely difficult to get out and survive the downstream state. Such poker players are looking for a problem in someone and do not take advantage of the opportunity to learn on their own.
Nobody is born with masterful poker skills, knowledge like that comes from hard lessons. Using intuition will certainly contribute to victory, but you should not give the gameplay to its power. All feelings, fear, confidence, logic, feeling should work as a whole and give the maximum result to the poker player.